Free Form Friday: The NCAA Can Do Something Right

[Editor’s note: This fall/winter, the editorial staff of the Daily Dickpunch will be inviting other like-minded and similarly-brilliant columnists to join our ranks on what we’re calling Free Form Friday. If you would like to be considered for the FFF, please email publius1981<at>gmail<dot>com.
Today’s writer is Pimp Emeritus Vincent Casablancas.]

I am not a naïve sports fan.  Eternally optimistic? Yes.  Woefully hopeful? Sure.  Willing to find the best in most situations? You bet your bean bag.  As a lifelong Cubs fan, a Colorado Buffaloes season ticket holder during the Dan Hawkins era, and an earlier passenger on the Josh McDaniels fan bus, I have had countless glimmers of misguided optimism.  But my optimism and hope for intercollegiate athletics as an institution continues to wane in the fleeting moments of the year of our Tebow 2011.

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